Your subscription can be canceled. Please note that in order to cancel your subscription before it expires, you must do so at least 24 hours beforehand.
After 30 days, a monthly subscription will renew itself automatically. You should cancel the subscription before the 29th day to prevent the following auto-renewal. If you wish to stop a weekly subscription from automatically renewing, you must cancel it before the sixth day.
This is how you can cancel your subscription:
- In the app, go to the third tab 'Profile'.
- Click on the cog icon at the top left corner to open the Settings Menu.
- Choose the option "Manage Subscription".
You'll be redirected to a new page. Here, you'll have access to view and manage your subscription. You can proceed with the cancelation steps from there, but if you struggle with the process, you can always reach out to our Struckd Support team by submitting us a request here!
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