We are sorry you encountered with your purchase. Orders typically arrive right away, however, in some instances, it takes longer. When there are such delays, it indicates the transaction is still being handled. However, there's no need to worry because most likely it will come soon. You can close the app and open it again to see if the purchased product is available in your account.
If the purchase was rejected by Play Store your credit card won't be charged. Nevertheless, a temporary "reservation" for the full amount of the purchase might be made by Google Play on your credit card. Don't worry; these "reservations" automatically clear after a short while.
If your billing address or the name recorded in your Google Wallet differs from the name on your credit card, cancellations of purchases are likely to happen. You can correct this by verifying the information with your bank, logging into Google Pay, and entering "Payment Methods" to ensure your data is accurate.
If you haven't received what you ordered, please get in touch with us and include a screenshot of your order confirmation with a visible transaction ID. The Play Store transaction ID will look similar to the ID bellow
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