We are sorry to hear that your account or games and drafts have disappeared.
Please first confirm that you are logged into your account by checking your profile section, avatar, and username. If you already had a registered account, logging back in should resolve the issue. In some rare instances, you would need to reinstall the app to be able to log in with your credentials.
If you use an anonymous account (not registered), please contact our support staff and offer as much information as you can (such as a copy of your receipt for purchasing Struckd coins, the names of your games, and any relevant data). We'll try our best to assist you in getting your account back.
Please use the Sync Draft button to sync your drafts if they have disappeared.
Note: Reinstalling the Struckd app while using an anonymous account will result in creating a new anonymous account. Even though you have a new account, it could seem like the old one vanished.
My crati games
Hi, Struckd community. I have some problems in my anonymous account. I can't play my own sended to Struckd community (not draft) games. Bug happenes; sky changes colour, other characters disappears, sometimes everywhere becomes colour pink. My games can be weird, help me about “Should i banned cause of creating weird games?” or “Can i save my own games (weird ones) as a draft?”.
What should i do for fixing?
Gimana caranya mengubah nama karakter avatarku di struckd. soalnya dipunyaku tidak ada! Di HP!!
Cuando iba a publicar mi juego me apareció un cartel para iniciar sesión con unity, yo me registre y desapareció mi juego y mis logros :(
Hi, my account is anonymous, I didn't register, and my games are Garten of Banban 1, Garten of Banban 2, and Garten of Banbam 3, and also my account, a character wearing a pack and a green background. :(
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